Citations du public, de la presse et de critiques:

…they gave the performance of this music that I had long wanted to hear

... Die Harfenistin Marie Bournisien bewältigte im Zentrum dieser Performance über Liebe nicht nur in Zeiten der Renaissance ihren anstrengenden Dauereinsatz – begleitend und solistisch – einfach bravourös. Auf dem kostbaren Klangteppich der Barockharfe hoben sich die ähnlichen und doch so unterschiedlichen Soprane wunderbar leuchtend ab

..their fascinating programme was carefully and cleverly chosen, presented with equal measures of humour and scholarship, and brilliantly performed

...three talented musicians who clearly enjoy their music and each other’s company

...they bring a much-needed ’new look’ to the performance of early music

... expect to hear much more from them, and prepare to be moved and charmed